
Shows 2010

September 4, 2010 Club Show of 1st CZ YT Club, Mlada Boleslav (CZ)
judge: Mrs. Svajdova (CZ)

Holiday On Ice Bohemia Platina – intermed. - R. CAC
Good Looking Bohemia Platina – open - CAC

I can' forget our daugter Deniska, she participated with me on most and "defend" our kennel in competition "Child and dog". She doing it very well kde se ji velice daří, je mooc šikovná a vystavuje jako velká holka :-)

Holiday On Ice Bohemia Platina
Good Looking Bohemia Platina
Good Looking Bohemia Platina
Good Looking Bohemia Platina
Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Holiday On Ice
Bohemia Platina
G o o d   L o o k i n g   B o h e m i a   P l a t in a
Deniska v soutěži
Dítě a Pes

Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Deniska in Child and Dog competition
Deniska in Child and Dog competition