
Shows 2013

January 25, 2013 International Dog Show Glogow (PL)
judge: Francesco Cochetti (I)
entry 59 yorkshires

Q-Tip Bohemia Platina – intermed. – Exc. 2
Guemart Rio De Ensueňo "Mexico" – champions – CWC, R. CACIB
Yes Yes Bohemia Platina – champions – CWC, CACIB, BOS – new Interchmpion!

Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina (own. Reneta Hajdukova) – open – Exc. 2.

Our young „Mexico“ did it again – I register him to champions class (in his age of 22 months) and he won in competition of five older males! For my male Q-Tip Bohemia Platina it was second dog show and competed in intermediate class (16 months of age). In hard competition of beautiful males got second place. Female Yes Yes Bohemia Platina won CWC, CACIB and BOS – and competed all conditions for INTERCHAPINO. In her only 2,5 years of age!

Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina reached age for competing in open class, where she was youngest one and got Excellent 2nd.

I want thank to judge Mr. Francesco Cochetti form Italy for nice results!

Yes Yes Bohemia Platina
Yes Yes Bohemia Platina
Yes Yes Bohemia Platina
Mexico and Q-Tip
Mexico and Q-Tip
Yes Yes Bohemia Platina
Mexico and Q-Tip

Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina
Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina
Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina
Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina
Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina
Esprit Vip Life Bohemia Platina