
Shows 2010

27 - 28/3/2010 EURASIA Moscow (RUS)

Our dogs results - EURASIA I, Saturday March 27th, 2010. Judge for males Jo. Schepers (NL); judge for females Natalija Nekrosiene (LIT).

Best One Bohemia Platina - intermed. - Exc. 3.
Good Looking Bohemia Platina - junior (36 females!) - Exc. 2, R. CAJC, R. CW
Big Original Bohemia Platina - intermed. - Exc. 2, R. CAC, R. CW

EURASIA II, Sunday March 28th, 2010. Judge for males F. Chochetti (I); for females Valerio Nataletti (I)

Best One Bohemia Platina - intermed. - Exc. 3.
Good Looking Bohemia Platina - junior - Exc. 3.
Big Original Bohemia Platina - intermed. - Exc. 1, CAC, CW!!

After our premiere in EURASIA Dogshow 2009 I decided to participate this year again. Friend of mine Olga from Irkutsk offered me her help hand and 100 % care. My gratitude belongs to her for that. I can't imagine how I could exist in Moscow without her help :o)

For flight away to Moscow I chose airport in Wien this time. My three dogs were with me on board. They had no problems with traveling, flight, heterochronism.

On Thursday morning at five I arrived to Moscow airport where had wait for me Olga with taxi. We took our dogs and things to her apartment and then we went to view Moscow. We had two free days before dogshow start.

Olga arranged for me many suprises, but concert right in Kremlin was the biggest one! It was concert of famous Russian singer Stas Michajlov. Kremlin was completely full … We couldn't miss European Centre also our favourite sushi bars. We made some pictures with Lenin and Stalin :o)) In front of Red Square were many attractions, we admired trained and dressed monkeys among other.

After two days enjoyment on Friday evening we did bath and prepare our dogs for dogshows. For both days almost 150 yorkshires entered so there were two ring for them. On Saturday it was perfect for me because females were judged first in one ring and males were judged past twelve so I manage to show all my dogs. But on Sunday both ring started at the same time and I had to show dogs in two rings at once. In intermediate females class my Big Original Bohemia Platina should come forward judge and in intermediate males class my Best One Bohemia Platina just stood on table judged by judge. It was fortunate I had Olga :o) She showed Best and they got third place from 14 beautiful males.

My female Good Looking Bohemia Platina did not get lost in competition of 36 females, though she is smaller size. She was Exc. 2, R. CAJC, R. CW. Female Big Original Bohemia Platina competed with 16 - 17 females in class for both days. On Saturday she was second and got R. CAC, R. CW. On Sunday Big Original won Exc. 1, CAC, CW! My pleasure was huge! I showed three my dogs, all offspring of my kennel and all placed to third place for both days!

EURASIA was amazing dogshow. Many beautiful dogs, many known people from all world. I' really glad I had chance to be there again. First time I must thank Olga for her care and help. Also I thank my husband for care about our daughter in my absence and of course friend of mine Pavla which helps me with dogs and all I need to help with :o) Without them I could not leave home for so long.

Only little daughter Deniska was very sad. She wanted to fly with me. She asked my husband to buy little airplane her to follow me to Moscow and show dogs :o)

I got home on Monday at 4 AM. Tired but happy. As first thing in the morning Deniska got present from Moscow. Olga bought her beautiful plushy dog - jack russell terrier with boots, roller-skates, dress, collar and leash. According to pink dress it is girl named Deizi. She has pedigree and gift certificate in Cyrillic alphabet right from russian shop. Now Deniska took her even to toilet :o)

Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Big Original Bohemia Platina
Big Original Bohemia Platina
Big Original Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina Big Original Bohemia Platina

Good Looking Bohemia Platina
Olga with Dee Dee Bakarat
Olga with Dee Dee Bakarat
champion males class
Good Looking
Bohemia Platina
Olga with Dee Dee Bakarat champion males class

restaurant entry
in front of Kremlin
in front of Kremlin
concert in Kremlin
concert in Kremlin
on Red square
with Olga
restaurant entry in front of Kremlin concert in Kremlin on Red square
with Olga

with Lenin and Stalin
with Lenin and Stalin
with Lenin and Stalin
with Lenin and Stalin
in sushi bar
with Lenin and Stalin in sushi bar

in sushi bar
in sushi bar
in sushi bar
in sushi bar      

monkey on Red square
monkeys and bird of prey on Red square
finally at home
Deniska with present from Olga
Deniska with present from Olga
Deniska with present from Olga
monkeys and bird of prey on Red square finally at home Deniska with present from Olga

Deniska with present from Olga
Deniska with present from Olga
Deniska with present from Olga
Deniska with present from Olga