
Shows 2010

19 - 21/2/2010 International Show EAST CUP Presov (SK)
judge Svetlana Radjuk (Belorussia)

Our dogs placements:

Best One Bohemia Platina – intermediate - Exc. 1, CAC
Robinson Bohemia Platina – champions - R. CAC, R. CACIB
Good Looking Bohemia Platina – junior – CAJC, EAST CUP Junior Winner 2010!! Completed conditions for Juniorchampion of Slovakia!
Big Original Bohemia Platina – intermediate – Exc. 1, CAC, R. CACIB

Jitka Ernestova showed her female Semtex Bohemia Platina in open class – Exc. 1, CAC. Congratulations!!

Show in Presov was traditionally very nice and perfect organized. We spent this weeking in nice company of our friends Zuzka and Radek which live in Presov. They took care about us also our dogs :o))

I took my daughter Deniska to Presov. There she had her show premiere ... I did sign her to competition "Child and Dog". And Deniska could not wait to morning and in day D she awoke at 6.

I chosen for competition with Deniska my male Robinson Bohemia Platina. He is very kind and patient and I knew that Deniska manage show him without problems :o)) And I had right! Deniska showed Robinson all by herself. She did not look at me not once. She watched out Robinson all the time and when she came to judge she knelt immediately and put Robinson to show pose. Judge Mr. Matyas did thank her and shaked her hand :o))) Deniska got her first trophy, she was so happy :o)))

Good Looking Bohemia Platina
Jitka with Semtex Bohemia Platina
Zuzka, Radko their york Irwin and little Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
together :o)
Good Looking
Bohemia Platina
Jitka and Semtex friends Zuzka and Radko
with Irwin and Paris
together :o)

Deniska trains with toy
Deniska trénuje s plyšákem
Deniska and her new friends
Deniska and her new friends
Deniska and her new friends
Deniska trains with toy Deniska and her new friends

Deniska with Robinson in ring
Deniska with Robinson in ring
show pose ..."is that right?"
with judge
Deniska waits for her competition
Deniska with Robinson in ring Deniska waits for her competition