
Shows 2010

23/1/2011 International Dogshow Trencin (SK)
judges: Mrs. Monika Uhlíková (SK), BOG – Galina Kalinicenko (UA)

De Luxe Bohemia Platina – champions – CAC, CACIB, BOB, Wintershow Winner, R. BOG, NEW SLOVAK CHAMPION!!!

We spent nice Sunday in company of our friends. Daughter Deniska took care about all our dogs and even showed big wolfhoud owned by our friend Misa.

For our Luxa it is this year's second show, second BOB and placement in FCI group!!!

I thank judges Mrs. Uhlikova from Slovakia also Mrs. Galina Kalinicenko from Ukraine, which judged in BIS competitions!

De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
Deniska with De Luxe Bohemia Platina
De Luxe Bohemia Platina

our team
De Luxe Bohemia Platina
Deniska with De Luxe Bohemia Platina
our team

Deniska showed wolfhoud
Deniska showed wolfhoud
Deniska showed wolfhound