
Shows 2012

June 8 - 10, 2012 - 3 Dogshows in Senec and Nitra (SK)

Weekend June 8 - 10, 2012 we spent in Slovak Republic - in Senec and Nitra, where took place three dogshows. The weather was various - on Friday, 40 degree Celsius heat, on Sunday cloud-burst, thunder and lightning. But we all survived without injury, we had excellent results and we met with lots of friends again. Podenco Ibicenco female Amazon Bohemia Platina owned by Renátka Hajduková made us very happy. This female has only 9 months and she acquired the following titles: 3x CAC, Junior BOB, BOB, Derby Winner 2012, Junior R. BIG and Juniorchampion of Slovakia!! Big big congratulations. She also competed with adult dog and thans her qualities she won absolute winner of the breed. I am very proud and I get great joy. We thank all judges for the wonderful reviews and titles for this outstanding female!

6/8/2012 National Senec (SK), judge Mrs. Uhlikova (SK), BIS judge Mr. Otto Krcal (A)

DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour - champions – CAC, BOB, BIG

Xinka Bohemia Platina (own. Renátka Hajduková) – intermed. - CAC

6/8/.2012 IDS Nitra (SK), judge Mr. Walter Jungblut (D)

DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour - champions – CAC, CACIB, BOS (competition of 4 dog in class)
Best One Bohemia Platina - open – CAC, R. CACIB, new Slovak Champion!!!

Xinka Bohemia Platina (own. Renátka Hajduková) – open - CAC, new Slovak Champion!!! Big congratualtion!

I also showed YT female Yamayka Bakarat n champion class – for both days she got R. CAC and R. CACIB behind Interchampion female, thus she has two CACIBs and completed conditions for Interchampion!

6/10/2012 IDS Nitra (SK), judge Mr. Victor Lobakin (RUS)

DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour - champions – CAC, CACIB, BOS (konkurence 4 šampionů ve třídě)

Female Guemart Riveer Of Dream – junior - Excellent 3. Bohužel si okousala balíčky i se srstí, takže si budu muset počkat na její delší srst a tím pádem i na „vyšší příčky“ na výstavách :o)))))

Unfortunately she nibbled packages with the hair, so I'll have to wait for till her hair will grow and thus the "higher places" on dogshows :o)))

Moc děkuji za pomoc Renátce Hajdukové a také za péči o naší Denisku. Bez ní by jsme to těžko zvládali :o)

I want thank very much for help Renatka Hajdukova and also for the care about our Deniska.

Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina
Best One Bohemia Platina

Guemart Riveer of Dream
DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour
DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour
Yamayka Bakarat
Xinka Bohemia Platina
Guemart Riveer
of Dream
DGin Fizz Du Gue De L'Adour Yamayka
Xinka Bohemia Platina

Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra

Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra

Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra
Deniska - Senec + Nitra