
Shows 2011

March 18, 2011 Terriers Specialty Vinicne (SK)
judge: Mr. Kitlinsky (PL)

The greatest joy made us our offspring female Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina (owner Zuzka and Radek Sedlak), who won in junior class in the competition 14 females and also scored in the final competitions!

We congratulate very much and thank for care of Paris :o)

Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour – intermed. – R. CAC
Holiday On Ice Bohemia Platina – open – R. CAC
Good Looking Bohemia Platina – champions – R. CAC

Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina (own. Zuzka Sedláková) – junior – CAJC, Specialty Junior Winner, 3rd Best Junior Female of the Show

Holiday and Paris
Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
Holiday and Paris
P a r i s   H i l t o n   B o h e m i a   P l a t i n a

Paris Hilton Bohemia Platina
Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour
Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour
Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour
Excellentissimo Du Gue De L'Adour
E x c e l l e n t i s s i m o   D u   G u e   D e   L' A d o u r